Colors such as red, orange and brown provide a warm effect and represent energy and action. On the other hand, more earthy or deep warm colors also create an intimate, cozy atmosphere. In addition, you can really make a statement with warm colors such as red and orange.
Warm tones in the bedroom
You can use warm tones such as red, orange and brown very well in your bedroom. The effect of warm colors is that they really give you the feeling of coming home. They can be perfectly combined with neutral shades such as gray or with sunny yellow.
5 warm colors from SUITE702
Even if you want to keep your bedroom calm in terms of color, you can opt for warm tones. For example by adding a few details such as pillows in red or orange such as the BedMATE in Cognac or bigDOT in Brique Red. This also applies to the bathroom: a few nice ones towels or a bathrobe in a warm color such as Toffee immediately provide that cozy effect.

Prefer a whole set in one color? You can also opt for a full satin bedding set in the beautiful color Toffee or the intense warm brown color Chestnut. Do you prefer percale cotton? Then you can choose from the beautiful percale set in the warm brown shade chocolate, in the deep red shade Brique Red or the timeless and chic color Cognac. Love red? We also! But don't overdo it and also combine it with some calmer shades. After all, you don't want to sleep in Satan's lair or a tendon room on the ramparts.
Next red, Orange and brown Suite702 has a whole range of other colors in the range. This way you can combine and switch to your heart's content. For example, we have bed linen, bathrobes and towels in the colors pink, gold, green, blue, pastel and neutral shades.