4 tips for choosing the best spring bedding

With spring in full swing, it's time to put away the winter bedding and switch to fresh and new Spring bedding. Here are 4 tips for choosing the best spring bedding:
1. Choose bright colors or pastel shades for your spring bedding
Spring is the season of renewal and growth, so why not add some color to your bedroom? Bright colors such as inca gold , dusty rose and jade green can create a fresh and cheerful atmosphere. Or choose pastel shades: light, pastel-colored bedding in soft shades such as lavender gray , pistachio and sky blue are perfect for spring. They create a calm and soothing atmosphere in your bedroom.
2. Choose light & airy materials
In spring it is often not yet very warm, but it is warmer than in winter. Therefore, choose airy materials such as percale cotton or washed linen . These materials breathe well and keep you cool during warmer nights. Percale cotton is wonderfully smooth and crispy, while washed linen looks cool and is wonderfully soft.
3. Consider a thinner comforter
If you have been using a thick Winter duvet in winter (warmth class 2), it may be time to switch to a thinner duvet for spring. A thinner duvet can provide comfort without being too warm. At SUITE702 we have different types of Spring (heat class 3) and Summer duvets (heat class 4). A 4-season duvet is ideal for use all year round. In the spring you use the Spring duvet, in the summer the thinner Summer duvet. In winter you can easily tie both together with the supplied buttons for a super warm and comfortable winter duvet.
4. Don't forget the pillows
Choose pillowcases that match your bedding and add a bedMATE or bigDOT for a cozy atmosphere.
By following these tips, you can create an attractive bedroom with a fresh spring appearance in which you can relax and sleep wonderfully. Enjoy the light and airy atmosphere these changes bring!